Monday, October 25, 2010


So, we get our electric bill. Our property has two separate meters. One is for the house, which still has a fuse box. The other is for the garage primarily, but the house furnace is wired into the garage. This one runs through a circuit breaker box. The previous owner has the garage wired for 220 volt as he had a wood shop in there. So, we get two bills. One envelope, but two bills.

Every time we receive the bill, it is opened with a bit of trepidation not knowing how expensive it will be. Did I mention that our house is all electric? The bills will vary from $85 a month in the spring and autumn to $250 during the summer or winter depending on the severity of the weather. We budget for some where in the middle.

I open the envelope and look at the bill for the garage. Not bad. It was about as low as last month. The garage bill is the lower of the two. I turn the page to check the house bill. Will it be $80, $100, $130, or more? In the box where the amount should be I simply read “none”.

Apparently this month there was some kind of credit for the house bill. And from the way it looks, there is enough credit left in our account that next month’s bill will be paid as well. This is very exciting, as I have been praying that God would send an indication that He will indeed provide. It is easy to say we trust Him, but it can be difficult to do the actual trusting.

So, with the unexpected light bulb shipment and the “free electricity”, I am humbled and hopeful. Thanks.

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