Monday, October 18, 2010


Our church is having some financial issues. But who isn’t? The economy for that past two years has sucked. For just about everybody. Including our church. It has probably been a long time since our church has had struggle in the finances. We have cut as much as we can, but still bills need to be paid and the staff needs to be paid.

The way it works is that the members of the church give an offering or tithe out of their income to support the work and ministry of the church. The amount given is up to the individual. Some give more than others and some give less. It depends upon the income. Many give 10% of their income as an offering to God for the work of the church. It is kind of a standard based on some Old Testament verses. But for the Christian, giving is based not upon a number or a percentage but upon what they have determined to give. And that is based upon what they are impressed by what they feel God would like them to give. Plain and simple.

When I decided to quit my job, because of the four statements, (1. not work at off price retail for a while; 2. spend more time with T. and I.; 3. to pursue a business; 4. trust God for my needs) it was also decided that we would not reduce our giving to the church for as long as we could.

Our income was reduced by 66% but we gave as if it had stayed the same. Until now. When we understood that the church finances were having difficulties and we knew we had some savings set aside; we decided to give “in advance” our offering. One, because we had the money. It was set aside to pay bills when I wasn’t working anymore. And two, the church needed it now.

There is no set time as to when we are to give an offering. Some give weekly, some give monthly, as we were accustomed. So this time we will give yearly. And we will still give from our current income as well. And we will trust God to meet our needs and the needs of our church.

Why give? Because this is our church. This is where we serve. This is where we are being ministered to.

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