Friday, July 30, 2010


I am finding it very interesting and encouraging by all of the comments I have been getting as friends find out that I have quit my job. An overwhelming majority of them are congratulating me and seem excited to see what is going to happen. Unless they are only saying that to me but are in actuality are thinking otherwise. But most seem genuinely sincere. There are a couple of them who think it wasn’t so smart.

But from my Christian friends, there seems to be an optimistic hope to see how God will provide as I pursue my search for the elusive dream and trust God to provide. We Christians are a people of hope and somehow know or expect God to come through in all of the situations and circumstances of our lives. We believe that God is good.

I only hope that I may continue to be one of those optimistic and hopefuls souls. One week into the journey and I am still walking.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Destination

Helped M. and S. load their rental truck, as they are moving in the morning. S. is going for his PhD in the field of biology at Kansas State University. They will be there five years. Earlier this month, J. and M. moved back to Indiana after only being here a year. This is what happens when your kids grow up.

Having faith is setting out on your destination. You know the beginning and the ending but the middle, or journey, is where you have to trust. It has been one week since I quit my job and I sense that each day I am going to have to be determined to head to my end result and yet trust that God will direct and reveal that which I need.

Working on the guest room. It is now three quarters painted. Still have some wall and trim to paint and the tile to be laid. Still working on the studio. I will be editing and posting more photographs here and on my website soon.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


We took a couple of days off and went to Hood River. It was very pretty, but didn’t turn out as we had expected. Instead of an adventurous time, I think we needed a relaxed time. He weather was hot and T. was not feeling well. Took some shot of those sailing and of the mountains.

So, part of this journey is about faith and trust. Some have said that I must have great faith to quit my job and trust God for my needs. On the contrary, my faith is quite small. That is why I felt the need to do this. If faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain, as Jesus said, then I don’t believe that has happened in my life.

I have thanked God for providing me my jobs, so I in turn can provide for my family. Thanked Him for His provision, but I don’t think I have ever trusted Him to provide. So here I go. Trust God, seek my passion, be a good husband and father, relax.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


It is a strange feeling to wake up and to have no agenda for the day. This is my second official day of my job cessation, and I believe my wife and I are a little ferhoodled.

Formally, all of the plans we made would have to be first okayed by my work schedule. Did I work in the morning or did I do a closing shift? How many days until my next day off?

Today, I just woke up. It was nine. Felt kind of lost for a moment. I guess that is what is meant by “without a vision, the people perish”. So it appears that there is a need to have some sort of defined objective for the day. I guess everybody needs some kind of motivation. Even at a job you hate, at the very least your motivation is to just make it through so you can go home.

Everything is getting lined up so I can start pursuing photography. We are remodeling, well painting and flooring, the spare room so we can use it for a guest room. That is going to free up the other room so it can “officially” become the studio and office.

After that, photographs.

Friday, July 23, 2010

The day

I quit my job.
Not the brightest thing to do in this troubled economy. Don’t have any prospects. Have a little in savings. So, why would I do such a thing? Four factors.

One, I needed a break from off-price retail. I’ve done it for many years and just need to get away from being middle management for a while.

Two, I really want to spend as much time as I can with my wife and son. Being older than her, I want to cherish each moment I can before it is gone. Never know when it ends.

Three, I really want to work for myself. Start a business. For now I will be focusing upon my photography. Attempting to sell my photographs and taking portraits. I am not a great photographer, but I’m ogood at it and I like doing it. Focsing on it will give me experience. I’ve always wanted to try my own work but have been too afraid. I determined I would rather fail trying than always wonder what I could have been.

And four, I have been quite convicted about trusting God enough to allow Him to provide. We are to seek his kingdom and righteousness and He says He will provide. George Mueller didn’t ask anyone for anything, but rather prayed and trusted.

So there you have it. It is my attempt to live out what I say I believe and to search for the elusive dream of satisfaction in God. I don’t want to be too busy or too tired to hear the promptings of service for God. So why did I feel like I had to quit? Apparently I am not at all a multi-tasker. Couldn’t to a part-time business while working full-time at TJ. It is far easier to cross the street than to have to face loving my neighbor. I want to be the Samaritan who took notice. Perhaps in the end, God doesn’t want us to multi-task. He just wants us to seek Him.

I will be journaling my progress, or regress as it may be on the blog. I quit my job. Now off I go.