Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ch- ch- ch- changes

As I have mentioned previously, there was change coming. Well, it is now here. At least the start of it, anyway. After quitting my job fifteen months ago, I had set out to attempt to accomplish four things. (To not work in off price retail for a while, to spend more time with my wife and son, to hopefully try to work for myself somehow, and to really place trust in God to provide for our needs.)

I had originally thought that we could last a year at our current status. God, during that time, provided us with some unexpected blessings, and it looked like, perhaps we could go another year. But, through all of this time, there were things happening and decisions to be made. As a person trusts in God to provide, that person still has to be aware of opportunities that may come up.

I have, for some time, felt the need or desire to be able to share the things that were happening in my journey of faith, and sometimes faithlessness. That is one of the reasons that I started writing this blog. I also have felt the need to share God’s message of His Son and salvation and hope through trusting in Him. So, I let a couple of churches know that I was available to pastor again, if that was something that would be of use to them. I really didn’t think that anything would come of that, but for several reasons, I felt I was doing that out of obedience.

With all of that being said, for at least the next eight months, I will be the pastor of a church in a small coastal town. My family and I will travel there for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to minister and serve the church, and then come home so T. can still work at the University. It will be a busy time and am not sure the ultimate outcome will be, but we both thought strongly that we still needed our home base to be where we are currently. We have many friends here and those connections run deep, and will need their prayers and support as we venture out to serve.

Several things happened that truly confirmed to us that, at this time, this was what we needed to do. And, as always, God provided opportunity, a working schedule, support, and a place to stay that was far beyond what we could have imagined.
Just wanted you all to know before we hit the road.

Your itinerant friend

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Impending Change part two

I have been in the midst of this impending change scenario for a while. Nothing is conclusive at this time, but there seems to be movement in a couple areas of our lives. We will still have to wait and see how it all plays out. There will certainly decisions to be made. Which sounds ominous, I know, but that is just the reality of things at the present time.

I find it odd when I, or any one else for that matter, say they have a decision to make. Like, all of a sudden I am face to face with a choice and I will need to ponder through things until I come up with the decision. I mean, like decisions periodically and randomly just come into our lives. Truth is, that is all we do. Make decisions. Our life consists of constant decision-making.

Now, I do recognize that all decisions aren’t in the same category of importance, urgency, or of life altering changes, but they all, no matter how small or insignificant seeming at the time, do affect us and place direction upon our lives. What a person decides to eat, in the short run matters not, but in the long run, an unhealthy diet can cause issues later on with bigger and important decisions needing to be made, perhaps, in order to save a life.

But, the reality is that every thing we do is based upon a choice with a decision to make that choice. Or to make the other choice, if we so decide. We decide to get out of bed or to not. We decide to wear a dress shirt or a T-shirt. We decide to eat bacon and eggs or oatmeal. We decide when we need to put gas in our car, or not. We decide to go to work, or not.

Every second of every day is making a decision with the choice laid out before us. And each decision leads us to another decision, which in turn, leads to another decision. And so on, and so on. All this to simply say, I have a decision. Hope I make a good one.