Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So this last week was busy.. And the one coming up is full as well.

My oldest son was getting married on Saturday. And I was officiating. So, I worked on writing the service and e-mailed it to his bride-to-be so it could be translated in Spanish as the service was to be bilingual. My other son and daughter were flying in the Friday before and we were going to pick them up from the airport. As the airport is about an hour north from our house, we would just spend the day in Portland. Her flight came in at 11:30am and his at 7:10pm. So we picked her up, went to lunch, shopped at IKEA and other stores, and it was only 3 pm. Four more hours to kill. So we went to a couple of other stores and ended at Target, looked around, and stopped at the Starbucks to sit and relax with a nice coffee. Time now 6:00pm. One hour left. Time is not on our side. Poor I. hadn’t napped at all. Finally, 7pm rolls around, we pick up my son and off to Taco Bell and then home. Long day.

Saturday finds us all getting ready in the morning and driving to Eugene by noon for a rehearsal. Eugene is about an hour and fifteen-minute drive south from our home. When we arrived, they were still decorating the room and time ran out before we could have a rehearsal. The wedding started 40 minutes late, as a couple of guests hadn’t arrived yet. And poor I. hadn’t napped at all.

It was a very nice wedding. We stayed until 6:30pm at the reception and then drove home. At home we just sat in the front room until about 9 when we put I. to bed. The next morning we got up went to church and ate lunch at a restaurant. We hung around home until about 8pm and drove my son back to the airport where he would fly all night to get home and then drive to class.

This Monday we will have our Small Group and Tuesday is T.’s birthday.

Busy yes, but also a good week.

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