Thursday, August 5, 2010

Trust part 2

Your mind can go in different directions at a time. Sometimes, that is a good thing. And sometimes, it can mess you up.

There is plenty to do around here. The trouble lies in the doing. I. wakes up about the same time T. leaves. He has his breakfast and his “Sesame Street”. We spend a little time playing and learning the letters. He knows all of them, but once in a while needs a little assistance. Then it is nap time for him.

So when he is down do I a) finish the guest room; b) work on the photographs; c) juice some apples; d) do other various and sundry things?

My time line for things. Hopefully my business venture will begin to show signs of progress by March of 2011. If not, I will need to start the process of other income possibilities. By September of 2011, there will need to be serious movement toward work and attempting to pay the bills.

I am hoping that we can, in our current situation, make it for 18 months. That will be very difficult and will require smart financial budget on our part.

It is hard to trust.


  1. It's interesting to know more of these details about your plan - thanks for sharing them!

  2. Yes. Details are good. However, I have really only planned through page one. Trying to write page 2 as we speak
