Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Three weeks in

So, it has been just a little over three weeks since we radically changed our schedules. I quit my job to pursue four things. (Not be in off-price retail for a while; spend more time with T. and I.; try to start my own business; and to truly depend upon God for needs).

So far, we have not gotten into a good routine as T.’s work has been a little different with her second week of work she had a three day work retreat. This week, her Monday schedule was different and on Tuesday the university had an inservice day. I am hoping that once her routine gets settled, mine will as well.

I’ve learned that even though the hours are there, one doesn’t have as much time compared to the hours given. A person doesn’t get a lengthy stretch of time to accomplish things. Rather, you get snippets of time in between I.’s schedule of changing clothes, breakfast, playing, napping, changing clothes, Sesame Street.

I am behind my own schedule of the web site, the consistency of blogging, finishing the bedroom, and photos. The hot weather hasn’t helped either, but it looks like we are on a cooling trend.

There have also been a lot of events that we have attended in these past three weeks
1) A three-day trip to Hood River.
2) Helped my son load the moving truck for Kansas
3) Three park/picnic events
4) Painting the spare bedroom
5) Game night with friends
6) Three day work retreat in Sisters for T.
7) Birthday party
8) T.s work inservice
9) Juiced apples from our apple trees

Coming up this week
1) an after camp youth campfire at our house. (we will work on setting that up this week as well)
2) Saturday funeral for a good friend
3) A Sunday evening fellowship with our small group
4) Finish printing out a photo them for a friend’s office

So, I am adjusting the timeline ahead for two weeks. Hopefully that will be enough to get set up.

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