Friday, July 30, 2010


I am finding it very interesting and encouraging by all of the comments I have been getting as friends find out that I have quit my job. An overwhelming majority of them are congratulating me and seem excited to see what is going to happen. Unless they are only saying that to me but are in actuality are thinking otherwise. But most seem genuinely sincere. There are a couple of them who think it wasn’t so smart.

But from my Christian friends, there seems to be an optimistic hope to see how God will provide as I pursue my search for the elusive dream and trust God to provide. We Christians are a people of hope and somehow know or expect God to come through in all of the situations and circumstances of our lives. We believe that God is good.

I only hope that I may continue to be one of those optimistic and hopefuls souls. One week into the journey and I am still walking.

1 comment:

  1. That's right... NO wheelchair for you... ;-)
