Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Cable Guy

Every Monday evening we host a Small group study at our home. This last Monday, as we were getting started with the group, there was a knock on the door. I thought it was someone from our group who was running a little bit late. I just about told the knocker to ‘come on in”, but decided to open the door.

Standing there is a cable representative asking about our services. I let him know that we already have their services. The conversation is as follows:

Cable:   “Looks like you have just our basic cable.”
Me:      “Yes, and we are fine with that.”
Cable:  “What about internet?”
Me:     “We have that as well.”
Cable:  “Looks like you have the slowest speed.”
Me:     “Yes, and I’m fine with that.”
Cable:  “Really? You don’t want faster?”
Me:      “No, we’re good.”
Cable:  “What about a phone?”
Me:     “Already have one of those.”
Cable:  “Oh.”
Me:     “We are having Bible study inside. You are welcome to come in.”
Cable:  “No, that is all right. I’ve been at one where we were reading Daniel.”
Me:     “Well come on in. We would love to have you.”
Cable:  “No thanks, I’m working.”
Me:     “Then just take a break and come in and have some snacks. There’s plenty.”
Cable: “Well, just for a bit.”

That is how B the Cable guy became part of our study. He sat through the whole group time and enjoyed a variety of snacks. He also participated with a comment about some friends and family. And he kept saying how nice we all were. He did at the end leave his number if we had any needs. I assume cable needs.

So here is what I know. Things and events don’t just happen. There he was working away. There we were having a small group study. There was the welcoming invitation. And there was the acceptance of the invitation. Something was there, however, to drawn him into a house full of strangers to listen to a Bible message.

From a bit of his conversation one can conclude that he is trying to do his best. Since he was out at night, this is probably a second part-time job. He mentioned his stepdaughter and some tension. I assume they struggle with the roles, which can bring frustration at home. He values true friendships but they are few and far between. He has experienced some form of loss in his life.

Will we see him again? Don’t know. But I do know this, that God loves him. And God desires a relationship with him. And maybe there will be another drawing. Nothing just happens.


  1. That is really cool that he stayed. Sounds like he needed to be there.

  2. GOD placed HIM at your door and YOU invited HIM in... GREAT story to share...

  3. It was pretty much a God thing, no doubt.
