Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A View from the Top

I saw some pictures of Egypt that my friends has posted. They had recently traveled there for a vacation. They had the typical tourist photos of the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, and the riding of camels. Some of the shots were of them with the pyramids in the background. It was really enjoyable to see. I have often imagined myself a world traveler, but I seem to like the comforts of the good old USA. Also, I am not as much of a risk taker as I would like to believe. I like hanging out in the great Northwest.

So my friends were visiting and standing next to one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. In fact, these pyramids are the only one of those wonders that remains intact. Here they are, visiting structures that may have been built around 2560 BC. Amazing! Especially when you think that Moses himself may have seen them. The Great Pyramid standing 480 feet high along with the two other famous ones. Oh, and don’t forget the Sphinx watching guard. It looks powerful, even if it is without nose. All of that, out there in the deserts of Egypt.

I imagined myself, traveling on the back of a camel through the sands of Northern Africa until I finally arrive at my destination. I imagine myself catching the first glimpse of the pyramids on that arid horizon. I imagine myself, standing in awe as I dismount from my ride and finally see them up close and in person. What a sight! And to think that other people have seen them as well for the past 4500 years or so!

But, I was awakened rudely from my fantasy when I just saw a picture on the news about them. It was an aerial view of the pyramids. The article was about finding lost tombs using an infrared technique from space. That is not what startled me. It was the photograph of the pyramids. It appeared as though there were modern neighborhoods just yards from these massive ancient wonders. Only about 500 yards away. It looked totally different.

As I Google mapped them and measured the distance, and then compared that distance with my house and the surrounding neighborhood, here is what I have learned. From my house to the McNary High School building is the same distance of the Great Pyramid to that modern Egyptian community. I am as close to Roth’s IGA as I would be if I were staying at one of those houses in Egypt gazing upon that Sphinx. In fact, there is even a modern paved parking lot close to one of the pyramids.

I cannot express my disappointment because of this revelation. But it made me think of how many times have I made the same mistake when it comes to people or situations that I have observed. Sometimes, we make judgment based solely upon one “snapshot” or one angle of that “snapshot”.

Some people appear to be one way, but upon further observation, or from an aerial inspection, are completely different than originally viewed,  be it good or bad.

My point is this; I do not want to be observed as somebody or something that I am not. I also do not want to give the image or ‘snapshot” of being something o someone that I am not. I have a completely different view of who I am in my imagination. I would like to think that I am super spiritual, whatever that means, and I have myself and life all figured out.

The truth is that I am on this journey just like you are. I believe, but I need help in my “unbelief”. I am confident and yet sometimes fearful. I hope, but sometimes doubt. I run but sometimes fall. I want to be spirit willing but sometimes I am flesh weak. But I trust Him. And I claim Christ crucified and alive again.

Do me a favor. Check out all of the views before you make a conclusion. Sometimes we don’t initially see all there is both good and not so good. Sometimes “objects in mirror are closer than they appear”. And sometimes they are not.


  1. That's interesting about the pyramids.. I just went and checked it out for myself. I guess I hadn't given thought to whether civilization was right next to them, but that makes sense.

  2. From the appearance they look like they should be out in the middle of nowhere. Who knows, they may be right next door to a Starbucks.

  3. swpeters57@yahoo.comMay 26, 2011 at 9:59 AM

    This blessed me today. Thanks
