Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Death of a Dream

When is it time to give up on your dream? There is, unfortunately, a time to let it go. You have hoped, planned, invested, sweated and bled to make it happen, to make it come true, but alas, to no avail.

Over and over again, you are told, “never give up on your dream”. Over and over again, you are told, “if it is meant to be, persevere, and it will happen”. Over and over again, you are told, “you can do anything if you put your mind to it”.

But you, you never gave up, you persevered to let it happen, and you put your mind to it, and you have not seen your dream come to pass. You watch and hear of others accomplish and see their dreams materialize, but your ship is not in sight. Nothing is knocking at your door.

What should you do? When is it time to give up on your dream? You have poured out all you have time and time again, and you are not seeing any progress on you dream achievement. And you are being constantly disappointed, disillusioned, and frustrated. But all you hear in your head is, “never give up, keep going, it will happen”. Friend, maybe it is time. Time to let it go.

You have permission to give up on your dream because, sometimes, it will never come true. No matter how much effort you put into it. Let it die. Let it go.

Now, giving up and letting your dream go doesn’t mean that you are a quitter, a failure or a loser. How much should you invest before you are just wasting time, energy, and yes, even money? Sometimes, you have to stop putting money into an old “beater” of a car, because no matter what you do, it will still not work very well.

So, give it up and let it go. But don’t think for a minute that everything is over. It doesn’t mean that there are no dreams left for you. On the contrary, there are plenty. Just because one dream dies, doesn’t mean they all died. So, go ahead, pick up a new one.

You see, if your arms are full of a “going nowhere dream”, it is going to be very difficult for you to pick up and grab another dream. Your life isn’t over and you haven’t failed as long as there are still dreams out there. You only lose if you refuse to go and select a new dream. So, dream on.


  1. Good post.. I can definitely relate to this!

  2. Thanks. I have learned that we periodically need dream adjustments. And there is nothing wrong with that. Dreams and circumstances sometimes are avenues to bigger dreams.
