Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Still Kicking

I had just written a piece describing our financial situation and how long it would last before we would run out of money. But it was too long and too involved, so I have condensed it to this.

Eight months ago I quit my job. There were, as you remember, four factors for this decision. One, and the most significant, was to trust God for our needs. If you need more information on that, read the autobiography of George Muller.

I had originally projected that our finances could hold until this month. Well, I am here to tell you that He did provide and eight months have past and we are still doing fine. There has been a series of unexpected events happen that, I believe, will help extend the projection of provision until March of 2012. That is a full year longer than anticipated. This does not take into account for emergencies, but I also am assuming that God is aware of any emergencies pending and the provision is there or will be there.

Part of the end result of our attempting to trust God for our basic needs is to, a Muller puts it, is to share with you the trustworthiness of God and His words. So there you go. We are still here.


  1. Yes, it is. We are not really sure how it has occured. But I guess that is not our concern. He is the one who seems to be orchestrating this.
