Sunday, March 13, 2011

The hill

The older I get, I believe, the more decisive I get. I know the foods I like and don’t like. I know what type of TV shows I like and don’t like. I know what kind of music I like and don’t like. And I am okay with that. It is not like I won’t try something new or different. I like new things. I am just at a point in my life that I know what I like.

I am also not as brash or as rash as I used to be. I have learned that not everything has to be challenged or questioned. Sometimes, it is wise to pick battles. Perhaps you have heard the phrase “Is this the hill you want to die on?” Wars of old were fought one battle at a time. The soldiers would take a hill and sometimes retreat from a hill depending upon the cost of casualties. But there will eventually be a hill that must not be lost and will be at all cost defended to the death.

I have one of those hills. The older I get, the more conclusive and decisive I become on this point, this cause, this hill. There is a hill that I will die on.

Upon this hill, there is truth that is. Notice, that I did not say a truth. There is not, cannot be many truths if they indeed contradict one another. We have confused opinions, desires and beliefs with truths. What is true for me is also true for you. The only thing is that we will accept or not accept that truth. It does not mean that it is untrue just because I choose not to accept it. Truth, by its nature cannot be subjective. Truth: the state of being the case. Fact.

Yes, there is a hill. I will die upon this hill. It is the hill that someone, so long ago, died upon. That someone died for me upon that hill. It only stands to reason that, if need be, I should die upon it as well. For Him. The hill, Calvary.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this ... and you have an excellent quote in there I'm going to extract to my Fb status and blog :*)
