Saturday, December 11, 2010

Two people

I’ve been praying for two people specifically. I want them to find a relationship with God. One, I met as we were having our small group. He was he cable guy and we invited him in to have some snacks and sit in on our study. The other is someone that I used to work with. Both come from different backgrounds and from different experiences. So every night for the past couple of months I have mentioned them to God. I’ve been praying for a specific encounter to occur that would draw them toward seeking God.

I pray for other people as well. But for some reason, I have especially prayed for these two. And yet nothing, as far as I can tell, has happened to change their lives. I am reminded about a person who prayed for 30 years for their husband or friend to come to know the Lord. Then after all of that time, they finally did. I don’t want to wait that long.

Why is it that God chooses to answer some prayers right away, or so it seems, and for other it takes years and years? And why does He not answer some at all? Many people have prayed for other people regarding salvation or a healing and it appears to fall on deaf ears. I know that God is God, and He can choose to do whatever He wants to. When L. died, I never questioned His right to allow that. I didn’t like it, but I never questioned it. But as they say, hindsight is 20/20. I am grateful that He produced something wonderful out of that tragedy. And by that I mean T. coming into my life. But I also know many people that after a spouse dies, they never find love. And even after they pray for it. Why do the prayers of a single person who truly desires to be married wake up day after day without a potential mate?

I have no answer, but I still have faith in Him. And I hope in Him. And I know this; sometimes He answers prayers. And when that occurs, thing happen and lives are changed. And I also know this; an unprayed prayer is never answered. So it seems that we should continue to pray. Continue to believe. Continue to hope.

So, I pray for these two specifically.


  1. Yeah, good questions. I wonder the same.

  2. It seems we tend to shy away from difficult truths because we fear people will see us as either lacking faith or weak. Well, there are times when I am both. Doesn't mean I don't believe, though. Just means I am not in charge. Because If I were in charge, things would be different.
