Friday, July 22, 2011

One Year in the Books

One year ago today, I quit my job. It has went by fast in some respects, and dragged on in others. I had very specific reasons and goals as I left the corporate middle management ranks and entered into the self exiled island of unemployment. I am certainly not retired, as I have none (retirement money that is). For the past year, we have been living off of our savings and the part time income that T. is getting from her job.

There were four reasons/goals that caused me to quit and I will give an update on them at this time. I quote from my initial significant blog post in italics .

(Reason One: I needed a break from off-price retail. I’ve done it for many years and just need to get away from being middle management for a while.)

I have certainly accomplished this one. I, at this point, do not miss working in off-price retail. It felt like, being management, that you are caught between the corporation and your employees. There was generally never a win-win scenario. And that can wear you down a bit. Also, you always felt like you were one bad day away from being terminated. I like retail, so maybe when I get a job, it will be in a smaller setting. Oh, and I haven’t missed the holiday season.

(Reason Two: I really want to spend as much time as I can with my wife and son. Being older than her, I want to cherish each moment I can before it is gone. Never know when it ends.)

And that I have done as well. T.’s job is Monday through Thursday from 8:30am-2:00pm. So we get the three-day weekend together, along with evenings. This has been really nice. And every day I am spending it with my boy, who is now three. It has been great watching him grow. Not going to lie, sometimes he grew on me, both ways. I also would like to, at this time, applaud all you stay at home moms.

(Reason Three: I really want to work for myself. Start a business. For now I will be focusing upon my photography. Attempting to sell my photographs and taking portraits. I am not a great photographer, but I’m good at it and I like doing it. Focusing on it will give me experience. I’ve always wanted to try my own work but have been too afraid. I determined I would rather fail trying than always wonder what I could have been.)

I have at this point am not working for myself or have started a business. Periodically I have been taking photographs and have done some projects for friends, but that is about it. The fear of failure is a bigger hurdle than I thought. I am now, once again, in position to attempt to pursue something in this venue. August will be my month of active engagement into the business world. I hope.

( And Reason Four,: I have been quite convicted about trusting God enough to allow Him to provide. We are to seek his kingdom and righteousness and He says He will provide. George Mueller didn’t ask anyone for anything, but rather prayed and trusted.)

This, quite frankly, has been amazing to witness. That is probably due to the fact that it has been God doing great work with this goal. I just have to trust. Which isn’t always easy and there are moments of anxiety, but He has certainly been true to His word. We have not gone without during this past year. Sure we have cut back on some things, but all in all, our lifestyle didn’t change a whole lot. In this upcoming year, we may have to make some significant adjustments to our way of life and our way of thinking, but so far, we have been taken care of.

I originally had calculated that we were on track to be fine until July of this year and then we wouldn’t be able to pay our bills. Now, at least in budget terms, not foreseeing any major crisis or catastrophe, we are on track to go one more year from today.

To be honest, I am not sure how it exactly happened, but things just seemed to work out that way. I am not complaining, I am very grateful. This will be a year of trusting in Him more as we see our bank account get smaller and smaller. Thanks God.

I had hoped that I would have been more pro-active when it came to ministering to other people. Or at least, recognize the opportunities that were presented to me. But I did get to be involved with some church ministries that I would not have been able to accomplish in my “other life”.

So year one is over and I am heading into year two. Stay tuned. Off I go.

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