Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Today, as we ponder, remember and pause to pray for all the people affected by 9/11, let us never forget these two things.

1.  God loves life.  He loved it so much that He provided a way that we who are made of dust, could spend forever with Him.  We call that eternal life.  He created all things and through Him all things are sustained.  When tragedies happened resulting in the loss of human life, we also should recognize that sadness and the sorrow.  We, as believers, have a wonderful opportunity to spread to the world that God love them and God desires them and will give them not only forgiveness of sins but life, abundant life, eternal life.

 2.  God is in control.  Though things may seem to be crashing in around us, we can have the confidence that all that happens does not go unnoticed by God.  He sees, He knows, He cares, and He is in control.  While we may never be able to answer the whys regarding horrible events, we can, however, remember and rejoice that our God, our King, our Savior still and will forever be seated on the Throne and He reigns.  He reigns. He reigns. He reigns.  Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

When we are struggling ourselves, let us remember that God loves us and He is in control.  Even when we are having a hard time “seeing” that, He is there, and He cares.

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